1” fixed point mixing group in nickel-plated brass with flow meters (0÷5 l/min) and thermostatic valves, pump control logic, including box, 3/4” x 18 Ek branches, differential by-pass. Operating temperature 20÷55 °C; max. operating pressure 6 bar. With 2+2-way manifolds for high temperature circuits.
Only SX connections
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AR Riscaldamento S.p.A. Società con unico socio, soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da parte di "LB s.r.l." Via Caboto, 15 - 36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - ITALY
Cap. Soc. € 1.200.000,00 i.v. - R.E.A. Vicenza n. 180296 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e Part. IVA 01725440240.